Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 3 - Jan. 21- Trains, Gardens, and Beads

Today took us to Kowloon, as we had a must see garden on our list, as well as a quest.  The best way to get to Kowloon, in our opinion, is to take the train.  The trains here are very efficient and will take you anywhere, which is the good news.  The bad news is the shear number of people who take the train.  I am talking people literally packed into the train like sardines.  If I have to be stuck in such a crowded situation, I am okay with the Hong Kong people, because, as I have previously stated, they seem to take it in stride.  When I am dealing with this, I almost go into a meditative state - remain calm and know that I will get to my destination.  Rich, however, prefers to observe and chatter. (his way of dealing).

We did eventually reach our destination in Kowloon.  Our first stop was Nan Lian Garden, considered by many to be the most beautiful garden in Hong Kong.  This is a traditional Chinese garden with expertly pruned yews and black pines and shaped bougainvillea, among other beautifully maintained shrubs.  The thing I appreciate about Asian gardens is their ability to make an amazing garden with rather simple plants.  There are not profusely blooming perennials, as in the English gardens (and my old garden).  Instead, evergreen shrubs and perfectly pruned plants are the key.
But the main aspect of Chinese gardens that always stands out for me the most is their ability to create the most amazing stone paths that I have ever experienced.  This is a beautiful art form, and one that I would love to have in my own garden.

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